Los cursos exploran diferentes temas asociados al cambio climático y sus soluciones. Contienen cuestionarios interactivos y, en caso de ser un usuario registrado, permiten guardar el avance y descargar un certificado de completud. Están diseñados para mayores de 14 años, y la mayoría tiene la opción de elegir entre dos niveles de dificultad. Los cursos disponibles en inglés son:

Crash course (nivel único)
Climate Change: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?. Let's start with the most obvious question: why does climate change matter? In short: because it will hurt humans, animals, and loads of other living things

Causes (nivel único)
reenhouse Effect: How does Climate Change work? Earth’s climate is rapidly changing, and not for the better! Average global temperatures have risen to approximately 1.1°C above pre-industrial levels, and the past decades have seen a series of record-breaking storms, droughts, floods, and fires around the world

Climate projections (nivel básico y avanzado)
Climate Models: How can we predict climate change? ou may have heard about how climate change is going to make things change in the near future. Whether it’s surface air temperatures, the frequency of extreme weather events, rising sea level, etc. it seems like a lot is going to change. But how exactly do we know this?

Why climate matters (nivel básico y avanzado)
People: Why Climate Change will Increase Inequality. You may call it self-centred, but we care a lot about how climate change will affect people! In this chapter, we’ll look at what climate change means for people’s lives - for our water, food and health. We’ll also find out who will be the worst affected and the injustice behind this.

Clean energy (nivel básico y avanzado)
The Number One Climate Problem: Clean Energy. Take a guess! What percentage of global greenhouse gas emissions comes from energy (including electricity, fuel, and heating)?

Food & farming (nivel básico y avanzado)
Food & Climate: The Impact of Food on the Environment. What is the problem with agriculture? Humans eat a lot of food. To grow it all, we rely on a process called agriculture, or farming. Given its scale, it’s no surprise that agriculture is a major contributor to climate change.

Undo climate change? (nivel básico y avanzado)
Introduction: Can We Undo Climate Change? What if we could remove enough CO₂ from the atmosphere to stop, and maybe even reverse, climate change? You can think of carbon removal as a pollution cleanup operation that occurs within the atmosphere. For this to work, atmospheric CO₂ must be captured from the atmosphere and stored safely and permanently without much more CO₂ being emitted along the way.

Industrial innovation (nivel básico y avanzado)
Sustainable Steel: What’s Climate Change Got to Do with Steel?

A fair world? (nivel único)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): What Should the Future look like? We live in an unequal world. In 2018, the 26 richest individuals in the world owned the same amount as the poorest 50% of the human population.

Personal action (nivel básico y avanzado)
Sustainable Diet: What is a Healthy and Sustainable Diet. How can you, as an individual, contribute to solving climate change? Can the actions of one person really make a difference to our planet?

Adaptation (nivel básico y avanzado)
Adaptation: What is it and why do we need it?
In an ideal world we would stop climate change in its tracks – this is called mitigation. Mitigation is any action which helps to reverse or slow climate change either by:
Decreasing greenhouse gas emissions OR
Removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere
In an ideal world we would stop climate change in its tracks – this is called mitigation. Mitigation is any action which helps to reverse or slow climate change either by:
Decreasing greenhouse gas emissions OR
Removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere

Climate politics (nivel único)
Climate Politics: What the World Could Do. You’ve probably read in our other courses about how science can offer solutions to climate change, but have you ever thought about the role of global politics in solving the climate crisis? This course will look at the tools that politics offers us and how we can use them to help us in the fight against climate change.