Los libros cuentan una serie de aventuras en las que Tierri y sus amigos y amigas de todo el mundo aprenden cómo el cambio climático afecta a los humanos, plantas y animales.

Tomo 1: Saving Planet Earthly
Positive climate stories. Start your journey with Earthly and Thoko from South Africa to find out what is making Earthly sick.

Tomo 2: Sven’s search for clean energy
Book 2. Sven’s search for clean energy

Tomo 3: Fabienne´s wild weather adventure
Book 3- Tpday we Will be visiting Fabienn an earthly at a fam near Por-au-Prince (Port-oh-Prince) in Haiti (Hay-ti). It hasn´t rained for months an many farmers are worried about how they Will grow enough foo.

Tomo 4: Bindi´s biology bonanza
In this story, we travel to sunny Australia to meet Bindi (Bin-Dee), who lives in an indegenous community on Australia´s Queenstan coast.

Tomo 5: Tuyen´s tremendous trash tour
Today we follow Tuyen [Too-yen] and Eathly on an adventure into the city of Hanoi, VIETNAM, where we Will learn about our waste where it all ends up.

Tomo 6: Adesh´s deep sea dive
Today we´ll be visiting Adesh on the sotres of the world´s most beautiful beaches!

Tomo 7: Andrea y Flavio´s fantastic forest farm
Today, Flavio and his cousin Andrea, along side Earthly, Will take us on a journey into they AMAZON RAINFOREST in Rondonia, Brazil, to witnes the impact agricultura has on uor planet.

Tomo 8: Semih´s search for a healthy home
Today, in a rural town in Turkay Semith and his fríen Earthly Will learn about the impact of climate change on human health.

Tomo 9: Kids can change the world
Today, we´ll be visiting our Friends Ava an Earthly in Rigolet, Canada, where we´ll learn about how climate change can affect different people in different ways.